A Brief History of the Civic Society Movement

Download a history of the Civic Voice Movement

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Swindon Civic Voice is part of a wider national Civic Voice movement: http://www.civicvoice.org.uk

‘Civic Voice is the national charity for the civic movement in England. We make places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive. We promote civic pride.’

Mission: http://www.civicvoice.org.uk/about/mission/

‘Civic Voice works to make the places where everyone lives more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive. We speak up for civic societies and local communities across England. We promote civic pride. We are the national charity for the civic movement and have a strong local presence. We know how people feel about places because we feel the same way….’

The download below will give you more information about the Civic Voice Movement

A Brief History of the Civic Society Movement.


See also: http://swindonian.me/2016/04/10/the-civic-society-movement-swindon/

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