Civic Day 2017: Celebrating 50 years of Conservation Areas

30th May 2017

Civic Day 2017: Celebrating 50 years of Conservation Areas

Join us for national ‘Civic Day’ on Saturday 17th June from 11am – 4pm

SCV & MIT banner

FREE admission

The event on Facebook. 

This year Civic Day, which is led by the national Civic Voice charity, is celebrating 50 years of conservation areas. This provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and enjoy Swindon’s unique Railway Village Conservation Area.

national civic voice logo

Swindon Civic Voice and Mechanics’ Institution Trust, Swindon have teamed up to offer ‘Open Doors’ at four of Swindon’s treasured heritage assets: Milton Road Baths, the Railway Village Museum, Central Community Centre and The Baker’s Arms.

Guided tours of the Railway Village will also be given at 11am and 3pm. At 4pm there will be tea and cake and a special unveiling at Central Community Centre!

This event has been funded by, and with thanks to, The Midcounties Co-operative.

  • Free admission
  • Children welcomeFor enquiries: please email

If you’re feeling social you can find both organisations on social media:


Swindon Civic Voice:

The Mechanics’ Institute Trust:


Swindon Civic Voice: @SwindonV

Mechanics’ Institute Trust: @mechanics_trust

I care about where I live –  Civic Day 2017 launch event – Why do you care about where you live?

This year’s Civic Day was launched in the Houses of Parliament with the help of Civic Day 2016 award winners and their local MPs.

YOU TOO can get involved.

Tweet us a picture of yourself holding the Civic Day sign – link to download it below.

Tell us why you care about where you live and use the hashtags #ICareAboutWhereILive  and #CivicDay

Try and include the @civic_voice on your tweet too.

The link to the Civic Day sign is on the Civic Day website here:

Come on Swindon. Show everyone much you #ICareAboutWhereILive

Civic Day 2017


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