I care about where I live

Civic Day: I care about where I live

I care about where I live - civic day

This year’s Civic Day was launched in the Houses of Parliament with the help of Civic Day 2016 award winners and their local MPs.

In advance of Civic Day on Saturday June 17th  we’d love you to get involved and tell us why you love Swindon and why you care about where you live.

Tweet us a picture of yourself holding the I care about where I live sign (download link below) to @SwindonV or post it on Facebook tagging Swindon Civic Voice: https://www.facebook.com/swindoncivicvoice/

 OR – make your own! Get creative – make your own sign to tell us why you love where you live.

Tell us why you care about where you live and use the hashtags #ICareAboutWhereILive and #CivicDay

Try and include the @civic_voice on your tweet too.

The link to the sign is on the Civic Voice website here: http://civicvoice.org.uk/resources/i-care-about-where-i-live

Come on Swindon. Show everyone much you #ICareAboutWhereILive

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