AGM and talk January 2018

18th December 2017

Rescheduled 2017 AGM and talk: Thursday 18th January

‘What interesting things can we learn by looking at maps of Swindon?’


We’d intended to run our AGM alongside the talk delivered to us by Malcolm Shifrin about the Victorian Turkish Bath late last year. Of course our own Health Hydro houses a notable example.

Unfortunately we had to postpone it. So this meeting is the rescheduled 2017 AGM.

Here is a link to a film of the talk by Mr Shifrin on Swindon Viewpoint:

Due to circumstances beyond our control we had to postpone the AGM.

It is now scheduled for: Thursday the 18th of January. The location: the old dispensary in the Health Hydro in Milton Road. TIME: 7pm

Note: We can only seat 25 people there so booking is essential.

Email: to let us know you’re coming.

Parking: There is parking in the Brunel north carpark and disabled parking outside the Health Hydro.

Entrance by the side door – we’ll have someone there to show you in.

The talk: 

‘What interesting things can we learn by looking at maps of Swindon?’

Contour map of Swindon

Current chair of SCV, Martha Parry, will present a talk on the above topic.

Martha will use this talk to introduce the think thinking that you, as citizens of Swindon, can do during the review of the Swindon Local Plan in 2018.

We’ll have a collection of fascinating maps from 1840 to the present for you see. We’ve also made a 3D model of Swindon Hill showing the extent of our town in 1900.

1900 was the year when Queen Victoria united the Old Swindon Local Board and the New Swindon Local Board as one local authority named ‘Swindon’.

Swindon Civic Voice intends to offer monthly opportunities to follow the progress of Council planners as they assemble a document for consultation in Sept 2018. This will outline the issues and options for the revised Plan, leading to a revised draft for inspection to serve until 2036.

Get your head around this stuff from 18th January, if you want to make a difference!

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