2016-2017 Annual Report

25th January 2018

2017-2018 Annual Report

I care about where I live - civic day

Below is a link to the Swindon Civic Voice 2016-2017 – 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017:

SCV 2017 Trustees Annual Report

Some edited highlights: 


Membership is open to all who are interested in actively furthering the objectives set out in the constitution, and are willing to accept the rules as set out therein, together with any policies which have been agreed by the Executive Committee.

Membership: Joining Swindon Civic Voice


The objectives of Swindon Civic Voice are:

  • To promote high standards of planning, environmental sustainability and architecture in Swindon
  • To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic or public interest in Swindon
  • To research, inform and educate the public in the geography, history, natural history, architecture, the built environment and the process of government in Swindon.


Anticipated activities include:

  • Priority is to recruit additional committee members, including and especially a new Chair and Treasurer.
  • Further work on the website, to embed an interactive graphic which will permit local community organisations to enter a page of their own information and edit it as they choose.
  • Better and wider use of social media opportunities, and other efforts to share information and engage more citizens in community action.
  • Pursuit of issues – especially review of Swindon Local Plan. This is a challenging process, but a crucial one which will affect Swindon’s shape until 2036.
  • Pursuit of closer working with Voluntary Action Swindon, especially in respect of the Council’s consultation policy.
  • Lobbying of councillors and Swindon MPs;
  • Further events: The NHS is 70 years old this year, and this may warrant a Civic Day celebration, as the Medical Fund Society was a prime model for the design of that service.  We will seek to work with groups locally which are lobbying re NHS funding.

In conclusion, the Committee urges members to consider how they can actively support the work of Swindon Civic Voice in the coming year, whether by fund-raising, member recruitment, staffing promotional stalls, or more issue-focussed activity.

We would especially welcome members interested in serving as Trustees on the Committee which meets monthly.




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